Choosing a Path For Adventure!
More photos (#2)
C. J. of Texas, and Donna Marie of
Illinois--Internet friends who finally met in person as Big As
TEXAS! Photo by Neil Osborn.
Jay Early shows off his new Hawaiian cumberbund--a
birthday present from wife Terry. Photo by Neil Osborn.
Nora of Rhode Island and Neil of Connecticut. This is
their fourth Big As TEXAS assembly.
Caron and Martha of the Dallas area, all dressed up for
the Saturday night dance. Photo by Neil Osborn.
Marleen and Michael--Louisiana's most faithful
attendees to Big As TEXAS. They've made every event since 1996.
Photo by Neil Osborn.
Keynote speaker Paul Delacroix and his wife Lisa, from the Dallas
area. Center is Jody Muchnick Frankel of Florida's "Myles Ahead."
Photo by Neil Osborn.
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